Marc price ruined this.

His cringe-inducing performance really brought this film down. The way he moans abd delivers his lines is horrible. In this otherwise well made film, price's acting is the only thing I can't bear to watch again. Also whats with that godawful mullet.

Thankfully he doesn't act much now. I'm happy.


Couldn't disagree more with the above post. If anything, Price's performance ENHANCED this film. His loner laced with teenage angst was flawless. And as for the "godawful mullet"...well, it was 1986, dude!

\m/ \m/


He was kind of annoying. They could have found someone more charismatic and the film would have been awesome.


A charismatic, metal-head loner? Lol!




I think he was very believable and quite endearing as a metal obsessed loner-type, as for the mullet - well it was the 80s



I thought he was great in this. I really connected with his character and could relate to what he was going through, being a metalhead myself and also an outcast at one time during middle school. I thought he gave a really sympathetic and endearing performance.

