Preachy Liberal Nonsense

And what saves the day?
"evil" nuclear power on Navy ships.


How is it nonsense?

I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?


As a ardent Conservative, and political junkie, I can't hold the line that this movie is "preachy liberal nonsense."

It's no where near as preachy or in your face as too many modern movies are.

It's just a typical 80's "save the whales" mantra that I really wish we had back instead of today's forceful, shove it down your throat, radical enviro-statist malarkey. Plus, it's just make believe, of all the hundreds of thousands of animal species that have gone extinct, what's the chances one single one would prevent world destruction?

This is probably my favorite Star Trek TOS movie.


yeah, who wants whales around anyway😱

we need more humans😠

i can't wait to chomp on a whale steak😋



Huh. There's nothing so dreary as a humourless right-winger.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I feel sorry for extremists on the far left and right who can't watch a simple/fun movie without getting their political panties in a wad.

"Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. Would you like a cookie son?"


I feel sorry for extremists on the far left and right who can't watch a simple/fun movie without getting their political panties in a wad.

Isn't that the truth. Some people really are silly. But hey, this is the world today where someone just earlier was griping because Jurassic Park isn't big enough to have a waterfall on it. 👀 I mean, really?

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


It's conservationist, sir. Not liberal.

My family hunted, but we knew enough not to shoot every bear and deer in the forest. Take what you need to survive.

NO ONE needs to kill whales to survive.

Star Trek has always been about law and order and upholding principles like freedom.

Take your empty and accusatory rhetoric elsewhere.


As a Frederick Douglass, MLKJr, Reagan conservative (but still Dem), I don't see any "liberal" specific message in this story. Saving a species from being hunted to extinction with no good reason is not a specific platform to either political ideology. To suggest that only liberals believe in protecting species when possible is a lie.

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


Preachy Liberal Nonsense

Or, just a fun "Star Trek" film.

So what if there was an agenda behind it? There's an agenda behind pretty much everything, so what's your point?


Why don't conservatives want to conserve the whales?
