Did you see the sequel?

It just occurred to me that there was a loose sequel to this film. The film Along For The Ride / Forever Lulu was released in 2000. 1) In it Lulu is again played by Melanie Griffith. 2) It is set 14 years after Something Wild and starts with Lulu in a mental institution. She was nuts in Something Wild and could have been institutionalised soon after that time. 3) The point of the latter film is that Lulu must take her long-lost lover to see the son he never knew he had: That child would have been conceived in Something Wild. Patrick Swayze and Melanie Griffith in the latter film do appear to be 14 years older than the Charlie and Lulu characters in Something Wild.

Do I win a prize?

I am working on locations for Something Wild, but for my other film location pictures go to http://community.webshots.com/user/mrlocation


Interesting. It looks like the only common person is Griffith. I'll take a pass.

Hey, I'm trying to eat my lunch!


It's not a sequel. Probably an attempt by film makers to attract attention by using name of character from "Something Wild" for Melanie Griffith character. If you do the math, it doesn't work as a sequel. It pretty much doesn't work anyway but has a certain something that makes it moderately entertaining. Bottom line...it's not a sequel.


That little trivia on the sequel to this film makes me dislike this particular film even more. I thought "Something Wild" was a bad blend of a romantic comedy and a thriller. You would think the producers or Melanie Griffith would have learned a lesson, but instead they make a sequel with such a dismal ending (which you just spoiled for anyone who would have been interested in seeing it, BTW)and I think it's no wonder Hollywood is on the decline!

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