MovieChat Forums > Something Wild (1986) Discussion > Anyone Know These 2 Songs?

Anyone Know These 2 Songs?

Unfortunately, there are many songs from the movie that are not on the soundtrack.

Does anyone know what the song is when Ray steals the car from the motel and proceeds to chase Charlie and Audrey to NY?

Also, what is the song playing as Charlie, Ray and Audrey drive after ditching Irene? It plays as Ray looks in the rearview mirror at Audrey... has lyrics like "Dressed in a white shirt, with my hair combed back." or something similar.

Reading these threads, it's good to see that others appreciate how amazing this movie is. Any help with the two songs would be appreciated.

"I'm almost beginning to like you, Charlie!"


I've seen this movie 20 times or something....
Ray stealing car and chasing Charlie and Audrey: Man with a Gun by Jerry Harrison

For the other one I have to come back to that. It was years ago that I've seen the last time. But you can check the soundtrack section here

I'm looking too for years with no avail for the last song in the rolling credits (also the song where audrey tried to ditch Charlie at gun point in the middle of nowhere)


Thanks for the link, The song I'm thinking of might be R.U.O.K.? I'll have to check to see if the others are the second song I'm thinking of.

The song you are thinking of is Zero, Zero, Seven Charlie by UB40.



Thanks...I've always wondered what that song was too!


Jasper Van't Hof - Pili-Pili

I thought it was R.U.O.K. as well, and spent ages looking for the song based on that title. It was only until a couple of years ago that I realised it was actually a radio bit that I scrapped my search and had another gander at the song listings.

I hate Jonathan Demme, he always picks catchy obscure music in most of his movies, lol. The opening scene in Manchurian Candidate was the last time his musical choices had me googling and searching YouTube.
