
I've always found this movie in the cheap sales in HMV, friends and family who have 'never heard of it'. Is it me or is this movie an absolute gem? The roller coaster of emotions, the great soundtrack, Ray Liota FFS!!!

I've never known a film change direction so dramatically from being a comedy to a serious violent drama at the drop of a hat, or David Bowies Fame to be precise.

Class class film!


I randomly caught this movie on Starz Classic, right after they aired Rain Man. Was really surprised by this movie, and it grew on me really quickly as I watched it. The ending made me think eh a little forced and feel good, but otherwise I liked it.

And to think I probably never would've seen this movie, if not for it airing after Rain Man! I almost want to see if it's available on Netflix and/or Amazon streaming. And if not, I might tape it when it airs again on Wednesday morning(6:40am eastern/5:40 central) on Starz Classic, to catch the one part of the movie where unfortunately I had to run to the bathroom and missed a tiny bit of the movie(around the high school reunion part of it). Probably didn't miss much, but still...


It is one of the most horrible movies I have watched.


I think it's pretty highly rated for the most part


I wish I had more time to re-watch all the good movies out there like this!


I just watched this for the first time a month or so ago. Picked it up and put it back on the shelf at video stores probably 100 times.

Not my cup of tea. One of those "Cat-in-the-Hat" stories like Ferris Bueller where some mischievous character stresses out a good character.


It's a decent movie but nothing special


Love this movie. Even if I have posted something similar previously, I never pass up the opportunity to exclaim my appreciation for this very fun flick. It's like the film Fear (1996) but with a lot more heart and fun thrown in.
