Slaughter High dvd

Hey just thought i would post a comment about this movie.which i love.i know a lot of people hate it but its probably one of my fav horror movies ever. anyway i was searching for it on dvd and found it but its now out of print..gutted.
heres the link incase anyones interested


thats nice, but it looks the DVD company which no one's ever heard of before just transferred it from VHS, so its obviously full screen, which is something I can do in my own living room.

Lions Gate owns the rights to the movie.

The vestron VHS is uncut anyway, so there really there are no special features on that DVD


this is an official german release shame we cant get hold of it. vhs sucks i will try and get this dvd no matter the cost, and lions gate dont own the rights that just an internet rumour


DMC is a german bootleg label, don't be fooled by the decent looking cover. The DVD was sourced from a bad looking VHS source and is cut on top of that, so your also missing out on some violence. So fans are better off waiting for an official uncut DVD release or stick to their old tapes.

Don't believe me ? check the link in the german film/DVD Database here, it's clearly marked bootleg:


the "official" company DMC DVD which put out Slaughter High only has 4 titles from 2002, all of which are out of print. The cover of Slaughter High is a joke.

Plus, DMC DVD have no website.

I am hard pressed to believe this is nothing more than a bootleg. It's FULLSCREEN, and ALL REGION.

Plus, There's no mention of dolby sound, digitally remastered, or anything of the sort.

I don't understand why people just don't get the VHS and transfer it to DVD if they want it so bad. it's the same thing

If it was "official" dont you think more people would have heard about it?


no because no one can find it...i now have a copy and it is mint and it also includes the trailer. happy days for me...keep looking but for now you might just have to do the vhs to dvd thing as this dvd is so rare and hard to find




I just saw a copy of an OFFCIAL DVD on ebay. In fact, it's a "collecter's edition". Im watching it right on on On Demand and "Artisan Entertainment" owns the rights, not "Lion's Gate". And this version on comcast is WAY better than vhs quality, so somebody touched it up pretty good!


diffently lions gate or anchor bay the 2 new powerhouse for reviving classic horror films from the 80s on dvd should give this one a special edition dvd soon.




