MovieChat Forums > Slaughter High (1986) Discussion > Official DVD release...about time.

Official DVD release...about time.

Lions Gate finally came thru and is releasing it on a compilation DVD due out April 14th......FINALLY!! lol


Too bad it's the R-rated cut!

Thank God for abortion!


Scratch that...they changed it to the Unrated version! Thank GOD.

Thank God for abortion!


I don't beleive I've ever even seen the R version... I've always had my old VHS copy and as far as I know it was unrated. Do you think Best Buy will carry this new compilation dvd?


I doubt it. The Horror sections at best buy have been quite drab lately. I haven't shopped there in about a year, I can't depend on them anymore. I go to Fry's which I think is only a west coast store, its GIANT. Also there is F.Y.E which is international, however its WAY over priced. You're best going to a dimples and having them special order it for you. That is if you have a dimples store near you. Again, i believe those are west coast stories. I must say I hate the west coast but there sure are a lot of cool stuff you can get in those big cities...I can't wait to go East.

Thank God for abortion!


Im so pumped for this to finally be released. Ya best buy seriously has the most pathetic horror section, and sadly the F.Y.E. at my mall closed which is a shame cause i got some real gems like April Fools Day, The Burning, Cheerleader Camp, and many more...But luckiley i have a Newbury Comics near me and their horror Section is AMAZING...Endless amount of horror movies that i haven't even heard of plus there dirt cheap to buy so i just pick up a bunch at a time.


I hear ya Best Buy has a horrible section for horror movies. I usually go to FYE myself, they have a much better selection. Anyways, i am completely pumped about Slaughter High finally coming ut on DVD. This past weekend i was in a horror novelty shop around my house and i decided to stop in because i saw they were going out of business. i picked up about 20 movies and right before i was checking out i saw an old vhs copy of slaughter high for $1 so there was no way i could pass this up. Ironically on my way home from this store i decided to stop by Borders to pickup Fangoria and HorrorHound only to read in HorrorHound that this movie is getting released on DVD next month so now i'll go from not being able to watch Slaughter High to having it on both VHS and DVD. Next up I want to see Night Of The Creeps finally released on DVD.

"Can you be trusted?" -Col. Hart
"Of course not." -Capt. Boyd


I just bought Lionsgate's Unrated DVD release of Slaughter High with Caroline Munro and Skip Scudamore. It is definitely the complete unrated version of the film but it is in fullscreen(not widescreen) and the only extras are the film's theatrical trailer with the Vestron Pictures logo and a trivia track about the making of the film that appears on the bottom of the screen, while you're watching the movie. I got this DVD for 10 bucks which is a very good price for this kind of film.


do you have the option of watching the movie w/ or w/out the trivia track?


Yes, you do have that option, since the trivia track appears as a Special Feature on the Slaughter High DVD that you can easily turn on or off.


Alan, Does this come with a slipcover? And is the quality as bad as reviewers say it is?


No, panicdivision, the SLAUGHTER HIGH DVD does not come with a slipcover and yes, unfortunately the quality of the film on DVD is the same as the one Vestron Video used in their VHS release in 1986, so Lionsgate must have used the same VHS transfer of the film to save money, instead of making a decently restored anamorphic widescreen transfer like they did with last year's THE MONSTER SQUAD!


I got mine for $10 as well from fry's electronics which i feel is a fair price for this dvd. But best buy priced it @ $13, and f.y.e. @ 15.. The fry's stores only got one copy each (for now) so i was there @ 8am to buy my copy lol i really wanted it at the lower price. It's not the best dvd but im glad i have it, especially since its the unrated version.


Bottom line is if you've got a decent unrated VHS dupe, save your money. The quality's not particularly good and the trivia track is a total joke -- most of the time the trivia has nothing to do with the movie or even horror in general. It's like Lion's Gate discovered they owned the film, figured out people wanted it, so rather than invest the time and money to release it right, they just hired someone to scour the internet for mostly irrelevant trivia information, slapped together an old VHS transfer and rushed discs into stores. I've been frustrated with Lion's Gate in the past, but this terrible release takes the cake.


This is in no way a VHS to dvd transfer, this is the original source that was used for the VHS transfer, meaning that this dvd is a hair better than the original VHS. I did take this release and made my own anamorphic widescreen out of this new transfer, so it will fill my entire widescreen area. It looks better than i thought it would after doing this. I did it all with little or no compression at all, and the 5.1 dolby digital track is left intact.

