Great 80's Slasher Fare

I loved this movie! It had a nice 80's horror, dark, gritty feel to it! Some nice creepy scenes and some good gore as well. I highly recomend to those of you who love 80's slashers! Sorry to hear about Simon Scuddamore, I wonder what happened? Perhaps someone will take a look at this film and see it's potential for a sequel. Slaughter High 2 has a nice ring to it, don't you think?



This movie is totally crying for a sequal. Problem being that they'll have to recast Marty. They should make it take place in modern day, and Marty is picking off snobby teens at a high school built where the old one once stood. Marty is now the subject of an urban legand, because of the notorious killings in Slaughter High.

The ending spooked me something awful when I watched it for the first time, just that look on Marty's face with that eerie music gave me the creeps. Now I'm getting all nostalgic. when I'm done with this post, I'm gonna get out my previewed copy I bought from the local video store a few years back and watch it again.

"Meet me at the waterfront, after the social." -- Angela Baker, Sleepaway Camp


A sequel is a nice idea, however the slasher genre really died (no pun intended) after the mid 80s. I think "Hide and Go Shriek" from 1987 was the last decent slasher film. The stylistic changes of the 90s and today (wardrobe, music, even a "cleaner" film technique with CGI creating horribly fake effects) would not make for even a half-decent sequel. As someone wrote above, "dark, gritty" describe this particular film and that's why it is an excellent movie. Today's films try to go with a "perfect" atmosphere, with perfect lighting, actors who look "perfect" physically..and they fail because it doesn't seem realistic. Horror films in my opinion are successful when they appear dark, dreary, imperfect lighting, acceptable to downright crappy (not computer generated) special effects, and have a more everyday "realistic" group of actors. Check out "Demonoid", "The Initiation (1984)" and maybe you'll see what I mean. Nowadays this genre of film seems to completely transcend stylistically from the way it originally appeared. It's sad, but in the digital age we are in horror films fail miserably.

The slasher film genre is generally associated with the 1980s and deservedly so, it is a special place and time which will never be repeated and quite frankly it would be impossible to capture the magic of the early 80s films like Friday the 13th 1 & 2, Happy Birthday to Me, The Burning, and several others. Today's attempts at slashers (mostly staight to video) are complete garbage. Case closed.



this movie was kickass, except for the shower scene



I remember this film being truely top notch!

this is what the 80`s was about for me. just glad i am not the only one with fond memiors of it thats all.

The Best War Movie is a Anti-War Movie!




With the release of "Haute Tension", we finally got the good old gritty feel of 80's slashers back. So if done right (Which is slim to none) a sequel would be nice, but I doubt it would happen.


There was actually a direct-to-video slasher of the 90's that I really liked, reminded me of the old cheesy 80's ones. It was "The Clown At Midnight", gore was alright, killer was a creepy clown and the setting was pretty good too.




This Movie is usually bashed but I love it! I have spent thousands of dollars collecting classic 80's horror movies,I proudly paid $50 for a near mint VHS uncut version of this awesome movie. At least a dozen people have seen my copy, this being there first time and they all loved it. Long Live Slaughter High!!!


I love this film. It's so grainy and right. I agree with what other posters have said about films now and how they are too perfect. Another cool thing about this film is that it stars (well, kind of)Terry off Emmerdale, he plays Frank in this. I think he's the guy that gets electrocuted having sex.

"I'm blowing this joint"



Dude...I got 2 copies (both the Unrated version), one for $3 and one for $4. Both are in grade A shape. You can get it a lot cheaper than $50 on Ebay. Plus VHS tapes deteriorate over time..even if you don't watch them.

Plus lions gate owns the rights and they might release it on DVD.

That girl in the bath was very ugly and stupid. Instead of standing up and leaving, she lies there and screams for five minutes, and grabs the shower curtain for some reason..I'm glad she decomposed into a pile of bones.



Yeah, it was a good film. I vaguely remember seeing it somewhere before. But, if I could sit through the film a second time, it did it's job of entertaining.

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