Different times. Bad is subjective, but at least 'Slaughter High' knew what it was before going in; a cheap slasher. 'Heartbreak Kid' is just like every other Ben Stiller comedy, but it became unbearable at the halfway mark. 'Strange Wilderness' had no coherency other than the "Let's Find Bigfoot" plot, and just had stale jokes that went nowhere.
With 'Slaughter High' I got exactly what I wanted out of it. Nudity, Violence, and hilarity. I never watch slasher movies with the intent of finding some great film. I watch cheap slashers with the same mentality that I watch 50's monster movies, or 70's exploitation films with. They may be bad, but I feel they're made with more heart than either of the aforementioned attempts at comedy.
Bad luck isn't brought by broken mirrors, but by broken minds. - Suspiria (1977)