shame on alex cox

All he did was take the most outrageous events in their lives amped them up and said it was their story.

It is the tabloid sid and nancy. I expected more from alex cox. The movie neither captures the feel or realities of the punk era. He distorts events combines event and ignores events to tell his story.

He has done a disservice to these people.

He makes up what happens the night Nancy died. Their was a small gathering in that room and what probably happened is that after sid and nancy passed out some one probably rockets redglare tried to rob the couple nancy caught him and he killed her.

If you watch the real video that sid made in paris to the one in the movie you can see for yourself how much cox distorts things.

Cox told an evil sensational version of their lives.

Terrible movie that neither captures the events or atmosphere of the times.

Bollocks, yeah bollocks to all who made this.


I completely agree. I've read a lot about the pistols and sid, saw many documentaries- and this film is utter crap. So much is exaggerated. The film completely misses the mark on capturing the spirit of the time. It also completely lampooned every member of the band. Also Sid was not just a "silly junky" as portrayed in the movie. He was actually smart and had decent ideas when not on the junk.

Cox (and the writers) definitely did a horrendous job and a disservice. It's annoying how many people think this movie is an accurate portrayal when it's anything but.
