MovieChat Forums > Salvador (1986) Discussion > Would have been great without the preach...

Would have been great without the preachy monologues.

James Woods and Oliver Stone are talented, but Stone's problem is he has to have some monologue that is basically his own opinions beating the audience over the head.

The story was very interesting with post-Vietnam syndrome affecting the US military, and how both Carter AND Reagan didn't know what the hell they were doing in Central America.

Scary how all that death and chaos was going on in the USA's backyard.

Stone's got some skills, but he is way too self-indulgent and self-important.


Which monologues in particular?

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


Its a Stone movie. Its almost expected.

Its that man again!!


You have to understand that Stone is basically a communist himself and is going to make movies that glorify communism and demonize its opponents. You can see that in many of his movies. He demonized the Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) in the movie (which he called ARANA) but glorified Castro in other movies (actually "documentaries") of his. In reality Castro was far worse.
