Was there really any reason for this movie to get an R rating? There is hardly any blood and only 2 f-bombs and other mild swears, sure you saw two girls butts and biefy a bare breast but in those days it seems like you get away with a breast in a PG movie then, so was there any real reason for this to be R?
Yeah, there was a very good reason this got an "R" rating...
The '70's were over, and Ronnie Reagan and his junta of Moral Majority tight-asses were running the country, and culture was turned back to the good ol' days of "Father Knows Best" and "Leave It To Beaver." It wasn't acceptable to show a naked female breast anymore and get a "PG" rating, however, it was perfectly acceptable to blast a dozen breasts with a submachine gun and still get that PG rating...just as long as they were covered.
"You may sit here in the waiting room...or, you can wait here in the sitting room."
Clearly you're too young to actually remember the 80s. The 80s was when every movie seemed to have a sex even if made no sense with the story. It was the 90s where it became "violence okay but sex bad."
Sandoz, you sound like a burnout hippie, get back on your meds. Reagan rescued the economy and country and never just blamed Carter for anything unlike someone in office right now that just blames the previous President for all his failures.
Actually, Reagan, like Clinton, just rode out the economy and pushed it on the next president. His VP, in this case. Who do you think started deficit spending in the first place?
And I lived through the 80s, too. Everything was "just say no" and conformity. They overcorrected for the 70s. Also, this was 1986, so there were set rules for the difference between PG-13 and R ratings. One F-bomb was the limit for a PG-13 movie, it couldn't refer to the sexual act, and showing breasts couldn't be part of a sexual act, either.
Reagan did not ride the economy, Carter left him a very bad economy with high gas prices/lines and many other problems including a show of weakness to other countries, Reagan helped create the economy "he rode" through smart bills and legislation. Reagan was not cynical and ashamed of America or its place in the world like Carter was and it showed.
I grew up in the 80's too, saying no is the smartest move you can make, saying yes basically means addiction, jail, going broke, destroying your family, OD'ing, or getting murdered unless you are one of the lucky few that rehab helps. There is nothing good that comes from getting involved in drugs, I have seen too much of it. It was not over correcting for the 70's, it was people/politicians were seeing the horrible results of drug abuse and what was happening when many were going from pot to stronger drugs like coke, pills, heroin, and crack which came about during the 80's with devastating results.
You do realize Carter inherited a bad economy himself, right? Things weren't going to turn around overnight. The American economy, since the founding of this nation, have always gone in cycles of good and bad. The strongest run of the economy, in terms of workers' wages staying on track with production, was strongest from WW2 up to when Reagan took office. So much revisionism by the rightwingers who made it their goal decades ago to turn Reagan into the Republican equivalent of FDR (in terms of impact). Truth is that virtually everything poisonous about the American economy today started on Reagan's watch. Reagan got Americans looking for shallow, quick, short term gains without worrying about long term consequences. He got the whole ball of wax rolling in terms of rising debt something that Clinton temporarily fixed before GW came in and blew things up all over again. The inequality issue regarding wages started under Reagan, with the 1% starting to take in larger percentages of the wealth with everyone else settling for less. It was Reagan's thirst for deregulation that initiated the rise of the Too Big To Fail banks that have really become a thorn in our sides for the past 15 years. There isn't one single thing that Reagan initiated during his time in office that led to any longterm growth and perpetual health of the American economy. It was Reagan's attack on the blue collar unions that lead to their demise and the decrease of leverage of the American worker. Since then the right wing have led this effort to convince the public that the most important thing is for the so-called job creators to not be burdened by rules and agreements and concerns for workers' rights;. People actually believe in this whole trickle down nonsense even though the last decade or so has shown us that when the 1% make more, they don't share by increasing the wages of their workers in proportion to inflation rates. Instead they merely hold on to that extra wealth, they hoard it. Admittedly unions have never been perfect and they have also shown to be susceptible to corruption. But what isn’t who isn't, susceptible to corruption in America? Politicians? Business men? Religious leaders? Activists? Those economists who put politics aside and study when the American economy and the middle class started to take a turn for the worse after the creation of the greatest middle class the world have ever seen, they tend to point to the early 1980s. And just who was in the Oval Office during that time?
And stop that nonsense about Reagan being some guy who showed strength internationally. During his run our embassies and our military bases got bombed again and again in the Middle East and Reagan’s response was to hightail it out of the countries we were attacked in I’m not even suggesting that was the wrong decision, but it certainly wasn’t a show of strength by doing so. He of course would flex his muscles by using bs reasons to invade POWERFUL nations like Grenada and lie to Congress and the public when explaining his administration's actions. It is in fact under Reagan that the executive branch began to increase this trend of using the military to invade/attack other nations without getting Congressional approval first. This type of thinking has infested the executive branch ever since.
Of course ending the cold war is what Reagan gets credit for, his most prestigious achievement if you listen to the inside the beltway folks. That’s fine and all but the more greater truth is that the USA was winning the cold war even before Reagan took office. Reagan sped up the process by dumping an insane amount of extra money from the country’s budget into the military spending forcing the Russians to try to match thereby helping send the Russian economy into a tailspin. Nonetheless if Gorbachev hadn’t come along Reagan’s actions could have led to a disastrous war because the nuclear clock had been move closer and closer to a dangerous point as a result of America’s aggression. If anyone else besides Gorbachev was running Russia during Reagan’s second term all that saber rattling may have had truly dire consequences. But hey Reagan’s gamble paid off. Still it led to decisions that would have terrible consequences down the road such as helping train and financially back the Taliban which led to the rise of Bin Laden and Al Queda.
The reality is that all Presidents make their share of mistakes. Not one President can escape from history’s long view of negative consequences caused by them. Reagan is no different and yet his supporters demand he walked on water. They are zealots who came up with plans to use federal dollars to ensure that each county in America had one building named after their idol Ronny Reagan. And they the want to quiet any discourse on some of the not so rosy decisions that came from his administration such as his inhumane response to gays during the AIDS crisis and his coddling the apartheid regime in South Africa. And to get back to the poster who originally brought up Reagan’s name yes Reagan oversaw a culture switch in America in which government started to, for better or for worse, mandate our morality. Reagan’s rise coincided with the birth of that of the Religious Right who helped vote him into power in the first place. And while Reagan may not have agreed with all of the views of the Religious Right, he stood by silently or at times assisted as that fringe of Americans strived to push back on women’s right to abortion, increase the censorship of our entertainment, break down the Founding Fathers' imposed barriers between religion and government, push the government to tell people what was allowed in their bedrooms etc. Essentially it was a right-wing version of a nanny state, but this one tried to dictate your morality rather than your diet.
An excellent overview of the Reagan era. I was pro Reagan at the time, but have come to regret it over the last 15 or so years. The idea that tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts are good whether the economy is good or bad, that de-regulation is perpetually ingrained in the political culture, and a very aggressive foreign policy which puts the nation at constant war -- plus the zealous pro-Israel "right or wrong" approach that creates huge potential for blowback --, all these things got started by Ronald Reagan. Republicanism, or more specifically Reaganism, has become a poison that continues to destroy the fabric of the nation while posing itself as 'Conservatism'. Where will it end? I expect that at some point it will lead to such dysfunctional government that it will lead to some truly radical demagogue completely overturning our republican (small "r") form of government. When that happens, I will blame one man: Ronald Reagan and his cult of personality.
And NO, that radical is not Obama: Obama if anything is the most conservative of Democrats that the Democratic Party could offer in the Reagan era. He's to the right of Nixon and LBJ. The tragedy of this era is that the Democratic Party has also been infected by Reaganism and offers no true alternative to it, just a reaction to it. Hence it too has bought into the 'permanent war' mentality and financial de-regulation (repeal of the Glass Steagal act? Thanks Bill Clinton. Outsourcing? Thanks Dems and Repubs!).
Plus, in 1986 the PG-13 rating would have have been around for 2 years in July. Looking at the film today, it probably could have gotten away with a PG-13, however given the fact '86 was a notorious year for the use of the R rating in so many films, the MPAA would have given it an R. Disney's Touchstone Pictures gave a ton of R's in '86-7. I was born in 1968 and can still remember a lot of advertisements for film being given the R rating. I remember when Running Scared first hit theaters and it was considered to be a strong R. Fast forward 28 years later, Running Scared is a strong PG-13, borderline mild R. Just my opinion.