MovieChat Forums > A Room with a View (1986) Discussion > Daniel Day-Lewis??? VERSATILE!

Daniel Day-Lewis??? VERSATILE!

I didn't even know it was him till I checked the credits. What a prissy ass he plays! His body language is hilarious. Compare him to his Lincoln and his role in In the Name of the Father. It is like three different actors.


Or The Last of the's hard to believe it's the same guy!


Yes, I forgot about that. It is called ACTING!


Him and Philip Seymour Hoffman were the ultimate chameleons of the past 25 years or so. They're among the few who could redeem the weakest of pictures.


He was terrific, so funny! Cecil, Natty Bumppo, Lincoln, Christy Brown, Daniel Plainview. What an amazing career.


He was great, didn't notice it was him either first. I both found Cecil extremely annoying but felt bit sorry for him too, specially that awkward kiss, but it was so funny too.


He was so very prissy but then after being dumped, he maintained a quite noble demeanor forward. I loved the whole performance. DDL is awesome.


It's funny, I've watched this film many times since it first came out but today his was the performance that stuck out. The little hand shake at the end was probably pure public school boy but nevertheless there was some courage and dignity in the way Cecil accepted Lucy's decision.


For me, DDL is one of the hidden gems of the movie. Such a quirky fellow was Cecil! I especially appreciate towards the end how Cecil endures defeat.


I think of him here as playing a character who was the winner of that year's Upper Class Twit of the Year contest.
