MovieChat Forums > Reform School Girls (1986) Discussion > If You Were A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT! T...

If You Were A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT! Then We Need Your Help! Please!!!

I just thought that I would let everyone know about this petition to bring back a great show on the weekends called USA UP ALL NIGHT on the USA Network. If you were a fan of B movies, cult classics, horror movies, and a few mainstream movies then please sign.

I miss seeing Rhonda Shear on Friday nights show a lot of great movies that were B movies. Please let your family and friends know about this petition.

Thanks again!



I'm there!


Hey great man! Thanks! I appreciate your help because my goal is to hit over 5000 signatures before 2008 tonight! I wanted everyone to know about this and we are so close to hitting 5000 signatures now guy! Thanks for helping out and if you know some people let them also know about the website and petition as well!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Is this petition still going on? I knows it's been quite a few years since this post. I loved USA's Up all night.
