
Can anyone tell me if this film is disturbing at all? I saw this at quite a young age, probably too young to understand most of it but I remember being kinda freaked out by it but I don't recall exactly why. I haven't been able to find it on video for many years now and now that I see it is available on DVD, I am not sure if I should pick it up or just leave it the way I remember because I don't think it will be good enough to live up to my childhood memories. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

"When there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth"


it's pretty damn disturbing. especially for a kid with scenes like lisa's childhood story, the kitten, the branding, truck driver, lisa climbing the tower, etc.. pretty scary. It's got a wicked soundtrack though, shame about the shoddy opening scene.

I recommend you buy it.

the child behind da mask


Thanks much for you reply, I think I am gonna go try and order it right now.

"When there is no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth"


look around the net for different prices and stuff, you can usually find DVDs cheaper if u look hard enough

the child behind da mask


I saw it on late-night cable when I was young and it scared the bejesus outta me!


I saw it last night and I thought it was hilarious. Of course, I was in a group of 5 people and we weren't taking it seriously. But can anyone honestly say they took a film called "Reform School Girls" seriously? I just thought it was great campy fun.

I'm kind of joking, but definitely being 100% serious at the same time.



I HATED the kitty stompin scene..........It made me sick!!!

"Get In Touch With Your Inner Bitch!"


I don't remember the kitty stomp. Guess my memory will refresh soon enough however; I just ordered a copy of the flick. Pretty good spoof.

Welcome to The Rock.


I like campy movies but this is too sadistic. Women get beat up and shot through the whole movie. They even get sprayed with DDT nude. They also stomped a kitten to death. There are a couple of great shower scenes though.


And yet I masturbated to it constantly.



Yeah that is a very dramatic part to see a poor defenseless kitty get killed and stomped on!


I was going to see the film until i heard about the kitten scene. It was that fat ass matron that killed it.


I remember watching this on USA Up All Night all the time when I was a kid.




Because sponges never have bad days.



I watched it alone last night, and would have liked it better with company - or the MST3K guys pasted in front of the screen.


When Sherri Stoner's character, Lisa, climbs up that tower and then falls off and kills herself. That just made me so sad, even though I knew it was a movie.
Sherri Stoner was really great in this.


I've had to admit that I found this movie disturbing myself. I'm also one of the people who saw this movie on USA late at night when I was a kid. To see people today call it a spoof almost amazes me...lol. Even though I love movies like Saw, Hostel, and any Stephen King movie, this film still freaks me out.



If you think this is disturbing, watch ESCAPE or Lust For Freedom, more intense, although I love this one too.

"I'm going to really enjoy this."

- Jud, The Badass Indian


Just wondering if you ended up buying the dvd? and if so, what were your thoughts after being so many years since you had seen it?
I too was just a child when i saw this (I think i was about 11) I also was freaked out a bit by it and never forgot this movie. Edna was scary to me back then. I am watching it now on YouTube which is cool.

I like to think I'm always right :-) 
