MovieChat Forums > Psycho III (1986) Discussion > Most random and bizarre sex scene ever?

Most random and bizarre sex scene ever?

Jeff Fahey sitting in a chair while slowly rotating two lamps as the girl dances, surrounded by porn cutouts, to the most aggressively over the top saxophone solo ever....

When did this turn into a David Lynch film???

Mr Annnderson.....!


Four words.

Directed by Anthony Perkins.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Perkins wanted Fahey to do a full frontal nude scene here, but he wouldn't go for it, that's why the lamps were used. Overall the film has quite a bizarre look, feel and sound to it. It was an unusual and strange sequel and I suppose quite original and dark.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


Perkins wanted Fahey to do a full frontal nude scene here

He also put Katt Shea into the ice machine with real ice and then closed the lid on her.

God, he was freaky and I love it


Laugh my head off that scene with him and the lamps covering his junk was so awkward but hilarious. Wasn't Perkins bisexual so you know he wanted that full frontal. And when I say that it's not with any judgement I am just guessing he probably would have been okay seeing that guy with his twig and berries exposed. Also is that true about the chick filming in real ice???? If so that had to have been a real fast take.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


Perkins grew up scared of women because of his own domineering mother. It's why he played Norman so well. He was predominantly gay until 1971 when he had sex with a woman for the first time. (Victoria Principal, when they were in The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean.) He had been in therapy for nine years trying to deal with his sexuality. Being gay was not accepted in those days and he wanted more than anything to be accepted. Finally he got married and had two children and was happiest being at home with his family, although he didn't lose his attraction to men.

Perkins himself said that the labels, homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual didn't apply to him as much as 'confused and scared'.

Fahey declined to do the full frontal. :D

The story of Katt Shea in the ice machine is recounted here-

I think I must have one of those faces you just can't help believing - Norman, Psycho


Wow this is some interesting info. How weird of a coincidence that he had a domineering mother too. Someone told me in the past that he was bisexual. Which would be probably be the right thing to call him if he was attracted to both sexes. Back in those days it would be extra difficult to be anything other than straight.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


There were some interesting parallels between Anthony's life and Norman's. Anthony's father was a stage/screen actor called Osgood Perkins. He was away touring a lot, and young Anthony wished he was dead so that he could have his mother all to himself. When Osgood died of a heart attack at the age of 45 (when Anthony was 5), Anthony blamed himself and began to withdraw from his mother. Then his mother began to transfer her feelings for Osgood onto Anthony (an only child.) Anthony grew up with a warped image of women, although he had an intense crush on Audrey Hepburn during the run of Greenwillow. I think it's fair to say he was bisexual all along, but gravitated towards men because they were less threatening. He was able to 'perform' with both sexes but not until he was 40 years old.

I think I must have one of those faces you just can't help believing - Norman, Psycho


I always found it funny is a nasty way that Duke had only been working at the motel for like 3 or 4 days and he had already covered the walls in his room with porn! He hit's on any lady he meets!! lol Duke is the definition of Scum!!...Jeff Fahey played the role perfectly, best scene is when he gets hit in the head with the ashtray!! bahahaha!!


yeah Duke was a sleazebag but Fahey made him kind of likable, just like Perkins makes Norman likable even though he's a crazed serial killer. I like when Maureen is at the door to Cabin One giving Norman a come-hither look, and Duke nudges Norman's shoulder like, "Go on, get it Normie!" They could have been a great double act if only Duke didn't kidnap 'Mummy' and hold her to ransom!

I think I must have one of those faces you just can't help believing - Norman, Psycho


Great post,made me laugh


Fahey was awesome, lol.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Perkins grew up scared of women because of his own domineering mother.
Homosexuality is an innate and genuine sexuality and being scared of women doesn't make one "gay". Not all men who are in touch with their homosexual tendencies would identify as gay, that is exclusive attraction for the same gender. If anything, Perkins would have been "bisexual", if he could perform sexually with women, but the pendulum may not be balanced and swing in favor of a specific gender preference. Also, many actors marry beards to protect their own sexual identity, due to the disdain most people had and still do for homosexuality. An actor having children, doesn't mean that they were conceived in the traditional heterosexual way.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


Homosexuality is an innate and genuine sexuality and being scared of women doesn't make one "gay". Not all men who are in touch with their homosexual tendencies would identify as gay, that is exclusive attraction for the same gender. If anything, Perkins would have been "bisexual", if he could perform sexually with women, but the pendulum may not be balanced and swing in favor of a specific gender preference. Also, many actors marry beards to protect their own sexual identity, due to the disdain most people had and still do for homosexuality. An actor having children, doesn't mean that they were conceived in the traditional heterosexual way.

Yes, I suppose I sounded quite naive in my original comment. I think because Perkins can't be 'labeled'. It seems to me that his gay friends scorned him when he began sleeping with women, thinking he was trying to be something he wasn't because his image was more important to him than being true to himself. In reality Perkins was an angst ridden soul who bounced from one person to another. Sexuality aside, he craved a 'happy family' because he didn't have one growing up. He wanted his deceased dad to be proud of him because he blamed himself for Osgood dying. He wanted to be loved and needed, but like many prickly and defensive people he wasn't very good at returning that love. Berry Berenson was 100% madly in love with him and their children were made in the heterosexual way. (She had offered to have an abortion in case he thought she was trying to trap him, but he wanted to marry her.) I think we can safely assume that he didn't stop sleeping with men even after he was married. There's still argument on whether he was gay or bisexual, as if one can't be bisexual, and even in this day and age there are people who don't think bisexuality exists, or will shun you depending on whether you're in a straight relationship or a gay one at the time. I think that if Perkins were alive now and ready to embrace his sexuality, he'd probably be pansexual. After all, he was a beautiful young man whom everybody wanted to sleep with!

I think I must have one of those faces you just can't help believing - Norman, Psycho


There is too much confusion and complexity attributed to sexualities; pansexul, metrosexual, asexual etc, and this is becoming a confounded alphabet soup of letters and identities. One is either sexually attracted to someone, or they aren't. If it is the opposite gender, it is hetero sex, if it is the same gender, it is homo sex. If one is not 100% gay and likes both genders, they may identify as "bisexual". Although when performing sexually with just one partner, it is either heterosex or homosex, regardless of the "bisexual" label.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


Being gay was not accepted in those days and he wanted more than anything to be accepted. Finally he got married and had two children and was happiest being at home with his family, although he didn't lose his attraction to men.

He actually wasn't 'gay,' although he experimented with it for a long season. Due to his absent/aloof father, he had a need for masculine love/affirmation and eventually sexualized that need. But he was never satisfied with 'gay' "sex" because he said it felt unreal (his words, not mine). So he wisely switched teams and found some amount of happiness.


You're right. This wouldn't have been out of place in a Lynch movie. I loved it though.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried




no and no Duane duke is much like frank *hellraiser 1987 and J.P. Monroe
*Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth 1992 and kinda like Seth Brundle *The Fly 1986
Psycho III is 1986 as well... these characters are pretty similiar



It's an awesomely weird scene.
