Every guy in this movie was a douche. Ducky was an entitled, bitter Nice Guy (tm), and Blane was a douchy, flaky *beep* with whom she had absolutely zero chemistry.
Steff. He may have been an a-hole, but at least he was upfront about it and he seemed like he would be very fun in bed (as long as you didnt think it would be anything else but a wham bam thank you ma'am thing.)
I think they should have went with a modern day Pride and Prejudice kind of thing. With Steph. Steph and Andi had way more chemistry and I think he really did like her but got bitter himself because she always turned him down. That could have been an excellent movie. Blaine was about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Sure, Andie had some chemistry with Steph (a young James Spader, I mean, come on, who wouldn't!?), but he was a nasty, mean person with no redeeming qualities, only looks and money.
Look how he treated the date of his supposed best friend, Blaine? No matter how much you may dislike the person your friend dates, you don't treat a guest in your house that way. And to allow his snotty girlfriend to say even worse things, just goes to show you how horrible a friend Steph is, much less a human being. Blaine may have been wishy-washy and weak, but at least he was kind.
Steff WAS nasty to Andie on a couple of ocassions, but I thought he was fairly civil in the party. Once Bennie started talking trash to Andie, he left with her to sober her up, and left Andie and Blane alone, and he really didnt say anything rude to her at any point.
"When life presents you with lemons, squeeze out the juice and squirt it in your enemies eyes."
I wanted to know who the handsome guy with the platinum white hair was in the bar- the guy who asked Blaine if his mother made his clothes for him after Blaine bumped into him.
Ugh yes! Blane & Andie had very little chemistry. Watching them kiss was terrible, they bumped noses constantly. I couldn't watch. I felt watching Steff that he was just imitating his father, behaving how he thought he should. That hair though, absolutely magnificent! :-D
... Ducky was a nice person but it's obvious Andi wasn't into him romantically ...
It's interesting that when Molly was asked at some stage how she saw the main characters' future lives, she said she saw Ducky realising/accepting he was gay, which is kind of how he struck me in the movie.🐭
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I know we're talking guys here, but to be quite frank, Andie was no prize herself. She is my least favorite character played by Molly Ringwald of all time. Andie took herself way too seriously, was super bitter the entire movie, and she had a huge chip on her shoulder against rich people. Then she had the odd relationship with that weird lady that kept changing personas. I get that it was her "mother figure" but it still weirded me out. And Andie wasn't even nice to Duckie (who, let's face it, was obviously gay anyway, so of course she shouldn't have ended up with him.) Not to mention, Andie had the uncanny ability to take two semi-cute dresses and concoct the most repulsive excuse for a prom dress that's ever graced the big screen. Barf! Oh, and the icing on the cake is when she runs after Blaine, the guy that treated her like complete garbage, so she can make out with him in a rainy parking lot and drop her purse into a puddle. Have some dignity Andie! And pick up your damn purse!
But back to guys...I'm going with the consensus here and voting NONE of them. I did appreciate the suggestion that she have a one night stand with Steff, though. Not a bad idea.
Have some dignity Andie! And pick up your damn purse!
The funniest thing I've read all week! I totally agree. I look back on all of Molly Ringwall's characters in these teen pics and none of them have redeeming qualities. They're all bishes who don't deserve anyone least of all the geeks that live to simply love her yet she continues to shat on them to get the hot, rich guy to notice her. Is there any wonder they always have only one or two friends?
As far as the guy, for some reason I loved Steff. Blaine was a coward. Duckie came off as a little brother. Plus, didn't he intentionally fail his grade because he was afraid to move on? At least Steff laid out his intentions in the beginning. He didn't give two f@cks who saw them together (remember he asked her out in front of school) and I think Andie could've softened him up a little.
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