WHo is reverend kane?!?!?

Through out my once horror movie laden teenaged life (years ago) I never once got around to Poltergeist because I was never really a big fan of supernatural ghost horror films. However I did see Poltergeist III on TV before I started getting into horror films but I can only remember just a little bit.

So I get finished with the first, I enjoyed it, and I do a little research on the 2nd and 3rd and I come to find out about this peculiar villain reverend kane.

The first specifically states that the reason why "The Beast" is attacking them is because a bunch of accumulated negative energy due to the house being built on top of a cemetery. They even showed the coffins busting out of the ground.

However in the 2nd one they seem to go back and change the continuity and bring up this "reverend Kane" fellow who was the head of a cult that congregated underneath the Freeling's house..

Seriously??? How stupid is that. They took a very simple and effective plot device of the "unmarked grave, angry spirit" and just trumped up this ludicrous story about an underground cult and an evil reverend just so they could use that to keep the story going.

When that house swallowed itself up everything was supposed to be said and done and that was the end of all their troubles.

The writers for this movie didn't seem to understand what a Poltergeist actually is..

However I did give the first one
Only people with money say that money doesn't matter.


Since they're purely fictional, a poltergeist can be anything you want it to be.
This film presents a fun interpretation.
'When you hang a man, you better look at him.'


tangina explained that they found underneath the cemetery and underneath the pool was a cavern with all these bodies....they were the evil reverend and his followers who he tricked into the cave, sealing it and killing them all.

this happened a hundred years before the cemetery came to being


in the first film you do see on the video a ghost with a hat like kane's and people following him.


Mother f**ker... rev kane was awesome


walton goggins should play young kane
