Not that anyone cares, but..

This movie has special meaning to me. I'm only in my 20's, but I always loved the 50's aesthetic, the clothes, etc. What I loved about this movie was essentially the "second chance" setup. Many movies have approached it in such a way that didn't quite hit the mark for me. This did. Although as some others said, I do feel Turner did look unbelievable as a teenager (literally), I loved her performance. Particularly the scene in which she goes home again for the first time. The look of wonder on her face when she sees her mother.
This movie hits a personal chord with me because I (as many others probably do as well) wish I could have a second chance too. I no longer have my family (my mother and grandparents raised me.), they all died when I was 19 and the family home was sold. I married a putz and now am waiting for the divorce to be finalized. I grew up incredibly fast.
If those second chances were only real, imagine the paths our lives could've taken.
Anyway, to anyone that read this, thanks. Just my personal little sentiment about the movie.


It's an amazing film and it moves me very deeply.
It strikes the perfect balance of comedy (Kathleen Turner singing "My Country Tis of Thee" in class is hilarious) and heartfelt drama.

I would give anything to be able to go back in time and make wiser decisions at certain key points and to see loved ones again...but alas, only in dreams. ;-)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, there are a lot of people for whom this film deeply resonates.


I also know this movie works very well. What a great concept. Turner is wonderful as Peggy Sue and love the scene right after going home and getting a call from her grandmother, long dead. I would so like to speak to my grandmother and great aunt and pick their brains.

She's not the teenager any more but a mature woman. She's able to tell Richard all about the inventions to come but wonder if anyone thought about stopping the assassination of Kennedy. No one would believe her.
Thanks for sharing your own situation. It's amazing how we pick paths in life and that's it there's no going back.


The call from the grandmother makes me cry every single time. What I wouldn’t give to talk just one more time to my grandmother. She was absolutely the best in every aspect of her life. I miss you nanny ❤️


I was definitely in a different time. I love the 50's
I love the simpler times of the 20's-40's. The 70's was definitely a great time for me growing up. The 80's was and still is the best decade ever.


/The 80's was and still is the best decade ever./

i was only a child then but I agree with this.


It's four years later, and I hope your life has been turning out the way you hoped it would. I doubt you have followed us here to MC, but I just thought it had to be said.


