I am a huge fan of both Better Off Dead, & One Crazy Summer; B.O.D. being like a religion between me and my older brother. lol. I LOVE the soundtrack to Better Off Dead, (although some majorly important songs are missing from it) and I have that soundtack on CD, Cassette, & Record Album. BUT....I have been searching for a long time, for a soundtrack to One Crazy Summer; and have been unsuccessful in my search. Can anyone out there tell me....was there ever a soundtrack available for this movie???? It had some really good songs on that movie, especially that song that played during the end credits. I don't know the title, but it had lyrics such as "If I could grow wings I could do anything, just to be here with you...etc.") If you can answer my question, or direct me to a copy of that soundtrack....that would be "Right Off!" The question's can go now!