Song Help!.......

Can someone tell me the name of that song played while hoops and everyone else are fixing up that boat? I cant seem to find it on the soundtrack listing.


Isn't it just instrumental music?...typical '80s upbeat teamwork montage music.

I have another question, says in the credits that Demi Moore does the actual singing for her 2nd Dew Drop Inn performance in the movie...that song 'Don't Look Back'. What about Cassandra's first singing (?) performance in the film? The one that Hoops promises to be present for, but ends up at the drive-in instead, with Cookie, and there are only, like, four people in the audience? Was that also Demi Moore singing?


can anyone tell me how to find the list of songs played in the movie, one in particular, is when john cusak stops bobcat and his friend from posing nude for him there is a song playing followed by a popular beach boys song, what is the song playing before the popular song? Thanks
