Dodgeball Plot structure identical
I posted this on the "Dodgeball" board. "One Crazy Summer" is referenced
Not to say that Dodgeball wasn't mildly amusing, but the following plot structure has been used innumerable times:
X is endangered by big bad elitist jerk Y
(optional) Y has designs on female lead
Likeable/slob/everyman B endeavors to save X
Opportunity to save X through victory at Z arises
B assembles a team of misfit losers L to attempt to achieve victory at Z
L, through some quirk of fate and against overwhelming odds wins victory at Z and saves X
Y is humiliated, and is in some way punished.
slacker/slob/everyman B wins affection of female lead
(optional) biggest misfit loser of L falls in love, or otherwise achieves a personal victory-possibly something which the ongoing struggle against it has been a running joke throughout the movie.
I know that I have seen this structure at least a dozen times (mostly in eighties movies), but the only example I can think of right off the top of my head is "One Crazy Summer" circa around 1986 starring John Cusack where...
X=a retirement home of some kind
Y =evil real estate developers/rich jerks
B= John Cusack's character
You get the idea.
My question is, what were the other movies that used this formula?