MovieChat Forums > One Crazy Summer (1986) Discussion > Dodgeball Plot structure identical

Dodgeball Plot structure identical

I posted this on the "Dodgeball" board. "One Crazy Summer" is referenced

Not to say that Dodgeball wasn't mildly amusing, but the following plot structure has been used innumerable times:

X is endangered by big bad elitist jerk Y

(optional) Y has designs on female lead

Likeable/slob/everyman B endeavors to save X

Opportunity to save X through victory at Z arises

B assembles a team of misfit losers L to attempt to achieve victory at Z

L, through some quirk of fate and against overwhelming odds wins victory at Z and saves X

Y is humiliated, and is in some way punished.

slacker/slob/everyman B wins affection of female lead

(optional) biggest misfit loser of L falls in love, or otherwise achieves a personal victory-possibly something which the ongoing struggle against it has been a running joke throughout the movie.

I know that I have seen this structure at least a dozen times (mostly in eighties movies), but the only example I can think of right off the top of my head is "One Crazy Summer" circa around 1986 starring John Cusack where...

X=a retirement home of some kind

Y =evil real estate developers/rich jerks

B= John Cusack's character

You get the idea.

My question is, what were the other movies that used this formula?


Better off Dead for one, revenge of thr nerds,Most Adam Sandler movies brilliantly recreate that 80's vibe..he deffinatley follows said formula.


It definitely fits, but so do a LOT of 80s movies. The Goonies, The Dirtbike Kid, and Summer Rental leap to mind.


You guys forgot Breakin' and Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. While not comedies, they did have pretty much the same plot structure. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think you couldn't be an 80's comedy without a crusty dean, evil land developer, or preppy/jock bullies.


What about Sideout with C. Thomas Howell that was almost the same vein. ONly differnece was there were grown ups.

"I am Queens Blvd."


you also forgot real genius i think its a calss eightys film just love the popcorn scene.but yeah pretty much any 880's film has that plot but whats wrong with it there enjoyable films that arent to artsy fartsy and are designed for the simple folk like myself


Real Genius is an amazing film, but it doesn't quite fit the formula. It has the humilation of a few characters, but lacks the competition over a love interest and having the odds against the main characters among other things. Karate Kid IS the formula, however.

In other words, Steven Segal is too strong for you and you give up.
-- Topoz


Max Keeble is a more recent movie.
