Goof not mentioned

Anyone notice when Egg goes nuts after Teddy hit his brother, he starts the chainsaw and walks towards the car. But the chainsaw blade never moves. Just something I noticed.


It might not be a goof actually. When operating a chainsaw the blades do not spin when the motor is running in idle. The blades only spin around when you squeeze the trigger.

Et interrogabat eum quod tibi nomen est et dicit ei Legio nomen mihi est quia multi sumus


Yeah, I know, but you can clearly hear him reving up the motor.



As soon as you pull the trigger, the motor will rev. up, the clutch will then ingage and the chain will move. If they had the chain brake on to stop the chain from moving, the motor would bogg down and not sould like it did. I would bet there is no chain on the saw.


It is in the goofs section.


Thanks for the heads up. Trust me, it wasn't there when I first posted this thread. But now it is.


maybe a deliberate mistake at that point..i mean, at that time in the eighties, would YOU have trusted bobcat with a running chainsaw?
