Favorite quote..

When Hoops and his crew fly past on their boat..
"What have they got in that thing?"
TEDDY: "My car."

Maybe it was just the way he said it that it made the line what it is.


My favorite line is when bobcat is talking about how they used to pick on him and beat this sh!t out of him and his brother was like "Were you that kid?" It's so funny, I love his voice.


That is easily the funniest line or lines in the movie, and also one of the funniest scenes in the history of film.


mine is when the kids were making fun of bosco and the squid slaps there backs and there faces stay like that and they run into traffic into georges car and george say gees there sure are some ugly looking kids running around here


..slaps their backs and their faces stay like that..

"Just because I'm moody, doesn't mean you're not irritating!"



We're from the planet of the toes and we bring you Arrhghghah, and we bring you produce!!

They'll be armpits...hanging from...trees! Eyeballs will be pulled out of their heads and you'll have to poke em back in w/ a stick or something.


"We come from the Planet of the Toes"



Well this may not be one of the funnies moments in the film, but the random nature of the quote, especially when used in real life, really gets you your bang for your buck. Try it the next time you're in a meeting over a vender issue.

"If we give into those people, we're giving into all the cute and fuzzy bunnies in the world."


"You just steer the boat, you stupid imbecilic retard, you're not my son."


"The only way to win, Theodore, is to cheat. Remember."


Egg: Oh yes, thank you, I think I will have a few cookies. (when he is in the godzilla costume)


Yeah, because the other characters are like, "What the hell is Hoops talking about?" They don't know about his stories about the cute and fuzzy bunnies hurting the hippo.


It was a rhino and it is a cute line.

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"Did you ever notice that people die in alphabetical order?"


My brother and I like this line:
George: Hey Hoops, you ever notice people die in alphabetical order?


well i've got two of them:

without a plan, there's no attack. without attack there's no victory.

and demi's line:

dow is the chemical company that makes mace


Man I used to watch this flick a whole lot, and just this morning I had it on. When that whole "dying in alphabetical order" line came up, I just lost it and couldn't stop freakin' laughing. And to be honest, I'm still laughing my ass at how George said it.

"That was too close! You were almost a Jill samwich!"



"make a hoop"
"is she high Ted, high Ty"
"dont say that word dad, just dont say that word, ill win"
"dad i gotta do my laps"
whispering, "you touched my car"
