Is portraying the cute and fuzzy bunnies as evil offensive to furries?
Because I sure hope it is.
Marty's dance cycle is disturbingly erotic.
Because I sure hope it is.
Marty's dance cycle is disturbingly erotic.
Most people think that bunnies are cute, but the depiction of them as evil in this movie was sponsored by the cosmetic industry trade association for obvious reasons.
shareMy daughter, age 15 at the time, and I used to go to the Humane Society to brush and exercise the adoptable rabbits in an outdoor enclosure. One of those "cute and fuzzy" bunnies took a chunk out of her leg through a new pair of jeans! My daughter is now 25 years old and still despises them. Their front incisors are continually growing and they chew on anything and everything including electric cords and whatever else is in their reach. Females will also kill their young if they don't like the current owners handling their young. So don't tell me they are cute and fuzzy little bunnies after my experience with them. The ones who killed their young were pets on the farm I grew up on.
shareThe fuzzy bunnies represented the film critics Siskel and Ebert.
OMG! (it's not what you think)
I don't think furries even existed when this movie was released.