
1) Who did the animation sequences for this moive?

2) Any one else get creeped out by them? For some reason, they really freak me out.


according to the commentary, Savage Steve Holland did them himself.

I wasn't really creeped out by them, although in the commentary, he did mention something I didn't notice.

in the last cartoon, when cupid lights the bomb the cute and fuzzy bunnies are gonna use on 'hoops' and 'cassandra', you'll notice two of the bunies bear a resemblance to Siskel and Ebert who bashed Better Off Dead in their reviews


steve holland came from animation before directing. if u look him up ull see that he also did eek the cat which bears a striking resemblance to the animation styles of this movie. he also has booger doing a voice in that cartoon.


Does this movie have a credit sequence that shows an animated bunny rabbit killing someone with guns and knives?

I seem to remember this from my childhood but I can't be sure...


Yes, it's in the trivia section. Siskel and Ebert did not like Steve Holland's previous movie "Better Off Dead", so the animated bunnies at the end that get killed are said to resemble Siskel and Ebert. Holland also did the animation in "Better Off Dead".
