After an investigation this morning, I found that Hyperion Films no longer exists, and this film now belongs to MGM. I sent them a message asking them to release this to DVD. The link below proves that it's in their archives. Maybe if we all send them messages, we'll have our DVD for next year!
How exactly did you send them an email? ^--^ I looked everywhere for a link. This is my FAVORITE Nutcracker of all time. I hate that I can't find it or get it on DVD! We need to swamp them with requests!
Yes, Cara is quite right. This film is now in the hands of MGM--I found this out a couple of years ago at least.
This IS one of the best productions of this wonderful ballet ever seen, and it is simply unexplainable why MGM has not done a restoration & released it on DVD.
I was in touch with the Pacific Northwest Ballet about it a few years ago, and, interestingly, they said they have no rights to the film & no influence over its release.
My suggestion is to send letters & Emails to MGM asking them to get it to DVD--and, if necessary, to do a technical restoration while they're at it.
If there is one Nutcracker production I would like to see in person, it is this one. We have vowed to get to Seattle one Christmas season to see it. Just hope that the PNB doesn't move to a new, different production.
I have the VHS tape version of this film, but right now do not have a VHS player in my system. This MUST get to DVD!!! Are you listening, MGM???!!!
I'm from Seattle and PNB's Nutcracker is absolutely amazing live. The hydraulic Boeing tree, Sendak's sets, Tchaik's music.. it's all just wonderful. I remember the last year I saw it was on closing night - traditionally their goofy night. During the snowflake scene, the dancers were doing their thing and one little snowflake came down out of the fly. Then another.. and another.. and then all of a sudden, as the orchestra swelled, the whole load of snow came crashing down on the dancers with such force it billowed out towards the audience and back down into the orchestra pit. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. That was also the year that the Nutcracker & Mouse King fought with light sabers. :D
We moved to San Francisco this year and I was completely devastated when I found out this recording's not on DVD. Stupid MGM.
The PNB/Sendak version is a beloved tradition here in Seattle. Every night is always sold out. They will never change it, so you have nothing to worry about :). However, I wouldn't wait, since the longer you wait the less likely you are to go, yeah?
Anyways, I hope you come out here to see it because it is absolutely amazing!