Salvatore's Song (spoilers)

I saw this picture again recently, and haven't been able to get out of my head the song which Ron Perlman sings when he's about to be burned. I was watching it with the subtitles on, and the only words I could catch were 'non la vita e non la morte'. I know it's a very tall order, but could anyone identify the song for me? Failing that, could anyone tell me what the words mean?


Hummmm....there used to be a very detailed thread here explaining it, but see it is gone, and I can't remember what the explanation was :(

How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb????


I believe the song is "Ninna nanna a sette e venti" an Italian lullaby

Here it is in Italian:
Ninna nanna a sette e venti,
il bambino s'addormenti.
s'addormenta e fa un bel sonno
e si sveglia domani a giorno.
Nanna ieri, nanna ieri
e le sporte non son panieri
e i panieri non son le sporte
e la vita non è la morte
e la morte non è la vita.
La canzone l'è già finita.

and in English:
Lullaby at twenty past seven,
The child falls asleep,
Falls asleep and has a good sleep,
And wakes up tomorrow at day-break.
Lullaby yesterday, lullaby yesterday,
Shopping bags are not baskets,
And baskets are not shopping bags,
Life is not death,
And death is not life.
The song is already finished.


That's great! Thanks very much. I appreciate it.
