MovieChat Forums > The Name of the Rose (1986) Discussion > Holy inquisition = American media?

Holy inquisition = American media?

I just watched this again recently, and was astonished by the similarities between the investigating methods of the inquisition and the way American media works today.

"A black cat! A witch! Lock them up, so that we may all sleep SAFELY tonight!"

Case closed.


Haha! Yes! They're almost exactly the same! The Inquisitor locks up the black cat and the suspected witch, and the American media lock up the . . . er . . . the . . .

Wait, what was your point again?


Lazy + smart = efficient.


My point is that they are both judging people on a very loose and irrelevant basis, and that they use fear as a way of maintaining power. "Agree with me, or else you may be the next person I attack!"


Both were (and in the case of the latter, are) undeniably scare mongerers.


Not just the media in the US either, balehead. And politicians too -- I can't speak for any other countries, but in my own (Australia), that's definitely how politics is being played.

Startling to think that centuries can go by, and yet nothing much changes, eh? Titles and surface details might change, but the "game" is still the same.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.




Meh. I don't think it compares at all. I would say the period of McCarthyism is where the US got pretty close to the Inquisition in style and effect, but I don't think the state of things today is quite comparable. We're doing our best to get back to that, apparently, and we're closer to it than we were when you made this post six years ago (this whole Russophobia campaign we have going on now, witch-hunting people with real or imagined "ties to Russia", is highly reminiscent of McCarthyism), but I don't think we're there, honestly. Not yet at least.


There are multiple instances throughout history in which people give in to hysteria and paranoia. It's not something exclusive to America or Medieval Europe. It's happened in every country, race, time period, and religion.


Read The Spanish Inquisition by Henry Kamen, alot of what we think of the inquisition is a myth. In fact secular courts at that time were far worse than the inquisition that people would blaspheme and spout heresy just to get transferred to the Inquisition prison.
