i dont like the layout of the library
in the movie. The director said in the commentary that there was a fault in the design of the library because it was all on one level, and the tower was very high so it must be filled with air. But in the book, different than in the movie, the great building contained three levels: first level was kitchen and refectorium, second level was the scriptorium and third level was the library. In the movie the kitchen was placed in a whole other building and the great building had only 2 levels. In the book that great tower could have had 3 levels without 'air' to fill it up.
So in the movie, the director created a labyrinth with stairs, but if you look at the labyrinth it only seems to exist out of stairs with very few rooms: the stairs take up a lot of room thus leaving not enough place for all the rooms with all the books. It seems to consist more out of stairs than out of rooms. That tower should have been even bigger on the outside to contain all those stairs, it doesnt seem to fit the building. The director should have left well enough alone and kept the library on 1 level.