MovieChat Forums > The Name of the Rose (1986) Discussion > It schmells like schex in here

It schmells like schex in here

You know he was thinking it.


Dear Adscho, you seem a bit shaken, not schtirred!


Best answer I've seen in a long time =)

Never be complete.


*ahem* sheem, not seem.

Dear Adscho, you sheem a bit shaken, not schtirred!


Got me there! :-)




"Well Adso you are more experienced in that department than me..." Yeah right... The most unbelievable line in the whole movie. :)


hahaha. yeah, when William said that, I was like "I highly doubt that." I've never read the book but the movie made it seem like William had a very full/different life before he became a monk (I think he even said something to that effect at some point in the movie too).


the movie made it seem like William had a very full/different life before he became a monk

I don't know that there was much more to it than all his scholarly pursuits, studies with Roger Bacon, universities, all the love of Aristotle etc as well as his occupation as the compassionate inquisitor. But he tells Adso that he does not have the benefit of his experience regarding sins of the flesh, so I don't think he ever strayed from monastic life.


I was thinking the shame thing! His pronounciation is outshtanding.
