The man DID make some good points about the complacency and laziness present in much of America, but you can tell that he's one seriously flawed nutcase the moment he decides to move his family out into the middle of the jungle to start some twisted, utopian monarchy. It's like he's giving up on society, so he decides to start over, but that's not how you make change. He said he wanted to prove a point, but history has already proven the point time and time again. I also agree that America is going down the tube fast, but Allie's approach was itself complacent in a way, egotistical, and dogmatic. You can't just start over if somethings not working, you have to fix what is broken. And all the thermodynamic ice machines, and hydro-powered pulley systems in the world aren't going to change laziness or immorality. This is where philosophy and wisdom comes into play....