
I saw this a few weeks ago and am asking if anyone else has noticed that Allie Fox is TOTALLY INSANE.


Well, I'm still not convinced that he's insane. I think he's just stubborn and egocentric more than anything. Although, he certainly does lose his grip on reality at the end.

For some reason, strange as it may be, Allie Fox is something of a hero to me. He's a flawed hero but that just makes the character all the more realistic.


At one point he says, and actually believes, that the USA has blown itself up. That's proof he's lost it.


There's no question about Allie's being insane at the end. When his vision was destroyed, this was the last straw. When he says something like, "I'm glad," when his wife tries to comfort him after the disaster, you know he's had it. Before this, to say he was eccentric would perhaps be an understatement, but he did not, to me (a psychiatric nurse), seem COMPLETELY over the edge.

In any case, I believe this film to be one of the best of the decade, and this to be Harrison Ford's best acting job, no question. I know a lot of people are put off by his at times unlikeable, obsessed, boardering on and soon to be--nut case of a character, but I love it.



I think that his saying that the US has blown itself up is meant as a metaphor. He uses the concept of an explosion to explain it to his younger children who would likely not understand the concept of a civilization falling apart, which is what Allie was really getting at.



I think he was just flat out lying to manipulate his kids. His wife says "why are you doing this to us" or some such to him after he claims America has been nuked.


Uhhhh, setting the church on fire should have been enough to show you that Allie has lost his mind!

"I still get free gatorade, right?"


Allie's burning of the church made total sense, given his totally justifiable hatred for organized religion. Seeing the tv screen with the evangelist merely showed him the extent that the church had gone to in order to indoctrinate the natives. This made him angry, as he quite rightly believed that the missionaries were negatively interfering in the lives of the locals.



Also when he gazes inside the church, I am pretty sure he identifies some of the people from his former town as the brainwashed - so I think - that burning the church was largely a payback to the reverend/church for stealing his people and leaving his own town vulnerable to the three gun men that ultimately destroyed it.

I also love his wise crack about the incident ("I have some kerosene for the boat, I must have spilt some on the way").


I finally watched this movie last night after having read the book last year. Tho' I enjoyed the book much more (esp. the symbolism at the end), I'm glad I finally got to watch it. Ford did an excellent job portraying Allie Fox, and I did think several times to myself - this guy's a nutcase!! as I did in the book as well. I think at first he's just disenchanted with the way America is going & wants to start from scratch, but as the movie goes on, and after the cooling unit was destroyed, he did dissolve into a sort of desperate wild-eyed madman. The scene that got me, that made me wonder how much Ford had calculated his character's madness, was where they had finished building Little Boy & they were celebrating, and Allie's maniacal laughter just rang thru the trees as the camera zoomed off and away over the treetops. I just thought that was a simple method of foreshadowing. However, it was great to see the characters brought to life exactly as I had imagined them.


As the saying goes, "there is a fine line between being a genius and being insane." But who is it that decides which is which? Allie says that America has been blown up, in a way, he is correct. There is sooooooo much destruction happening, materialism definitely being one of them as stated in the movie. As for the fact that he set the church on fire, yes that was wrong in a manner of speaking cause people do have the right to believe in whatever they want, however who says you need a church to practice religion? Religion is supposed to be based upon faith, faith that there is a higher power out there why must you have a church to practice this? "Split wood and I am there, lift up a stone and you will find me.The kingdom of God is all around you." that is a quote from a different movie but I believe that it should still apply.The ideas that he has are honestly brilliant, creating a civilization around nature is a great idea as they said that is was great for the first while until things started to go downhill. You may say that he was insane cause he refused to go back to the USA, however, if you honestly felt sooooooo strongly about the same ideas that he did, would you not fight to keep your dream alive? I know I would personally, though the fact that he did not consider his family's feelings, its not like they shared the same dream that he had. In order to achieve miracles, sometimes you must sacrifice. However, did anyone else find it kinda odd that the reverend was packing heat?? some man of God huh?


I totally agree with Allie Fox's idea upon modern civilisation or that of the 20th/21st century. Even though Im not American, I am still in a western society where this is happening, and I think that what he does is brilliant.

I felt sorry for him (much to the credit of Harrison Ford, one of my favourite actors) especially that powerful scene where you see Fat Boy blowing up and you see his anguished scream, as though it is in fact a nuclear holocaust.

I felt disgusted just like Allie when you see the people in the missionary watching the Tv with the reverend on it, there is just something about that that I absolutely hate.

I also felt sorry for him when everyone turned against him. He did not go about doing things in the correct way at all, but he believed what he was doing was right and he stuck to his values and like someone said before he was a tragic hero, his flaw being persitience and obsessiveness.



EXTREMELY Glad Im not alone. Although something about the world already made me suspect that...

