Hello there my dear friends :) <333

As apart of my film coursework I'm doing a project on River Phoenix and his roles as an outsider. I'm here to conduct fan research in order to gain opinions and point of views. I'd be very glad if anyone could help me in my grand mission to educate my friend FROOGAN on River, and the marker! :D

1 :: As a whole, not a half, do you think River Phoenix was an outsider and how would you define an outsider - in this context?

2 :: Which of his roles would you consider him to be an outsider? and how do you think he portrays this?

3 :: Was River a Hollywood insider or a Hollywood outsider and why do you think this?

4 :: What is it about River that potentially made him an outsider/unique - based on your opinion of question 3

5 :: What differs River from the stars we see today, if anything?

6 :: How does he portray outsiders in comparrison to non outsider roles?

Much love,
Melii, Froogan and our film teacher
xo xo
