Hi, I first saw this movie on VHS in the UK back in the 80's. I'm sure I remember a scene with Allie and his family just as they were setting off to leave the United States. Allie was in the pickup truck and he screams "We're getting outta here!" The image of that scene has stuck with me for years but i recently got hold of a US copy of the DVD and the scene isnt there. There is a scene that might have preluded it where he says the same thing while wandering around the house but its not what I remember. I wondered If anybody else remembers what I am talking about or if I just imagined it. Thanks for your help.
I only remember the scene when Helen Mirren asks him about what to do about the dishes, and he says "Leave them, we're getting out of here". Happened just before the scene you remembered. I would love to see a director's cut of this.
There is a scene int he trailer where it shwos Alley talking to the wife. It is a scene which makes it look on whether to move or not out of their house. They are in the kitchen.
Yeah, I remember Harrison Ford's character Allie getting so worked up over his run-ins with store owners, hassles with friends and just bumper car smashing into all citizens in general, that he was set to explode momentarily. Than, finally, from his pickup truck he announced to his family his exotic plan to circumvent the misdirections of contemporary society, by heading towards the most remote, untarnished destination simply by exclaiming (as you correctly recalled), "We're getting out of here". I remember it because Allie was getting postal and it seemed that either he was going to kill people, or else come up with an alternate plan which thankfully he did. It was an important landmark in the story since the early part of the film takes us to the point of no return on the blood pressure scale. But your memory serves you well, and it sounds like you really dug the movie as much as I did. Those were the days when Harrison Ford had a very special gift. It's a pity he lost all of his subtlety the way William Shatner today is just a comical caricature without any of the skills he once had.
Hi micaofboca-1, I started this thread about a year ago but my screen name has changed, I know I'm very late responding, I forgot all about this thread and only found it again by chance. If you ever read this I would just like to thank you for reaffirming my memory of that scene. I wonder why it is cut from the DVD release? As I remember it was an important moment in the film.
I still enjoy Fords newer movies but I agree he was better back in the 80s