Idea for a sequel

How about the youngest son Jerry who would be about 28 now, acting like Ford did and inventing a heating machine for Canada or Alaska?

Any other suggestions?



They move to a tropical remote part of the world which is infestead with giant mosquitos and build a machine to wipe them out and save civilisation as we know it.

That is actually what I thought the film was going to be about when I went to watch it back in 1986 - how sad am I ???????


but this time he has a hip young partner who plays by his own rules and they're stuck there because there's no gasoline or plutonium to get the delorian up to 88 mph. And with more explosions!


Yeah, it probably would do better at the box office as a comedy.


tell me more of this "heating" machine... that would change the world!


Well, have it be about the size of Ford's machine, using coal and/or other chemicals that could produce heat that could be pumped through hoses leading wherever you want.


The family try to return to America - only to find that it actually has been destroyed in a nuclear war.
