Allie Fox - the evil Clark Griswald
they are almost exactly the same characters, just Allie Fox is more evil
sharethey are almost exactly the same characters, just Allie Fox is more evil
shareHaha, I like that. Both total optimists that eventually lose it when they take too many kicks to the nuts. I don't think either are evil though.
Our children are old enough to read icculous.
i tell you what, i was watching this and i was thinking 'Ford is so much like Chevy Chase in this movie', especially the opening hour. I didn't think anyone else would feel the same way, glad you did :)
Wow - I honestly had the exact same thought while watching this movie for the first time last night. The glasses, and the way he acts. Harrison is like a more realistic and nasty Clark Grizwold! The optimism and over the top enthusiasm which gradually disintegrates until he's angry and mean.
I was honestly coming here to post the same exact thought!
It's like "National Lampoon's Jungle Vacation"!
I love this and I have had much the same thought, that this is like a Vacation movie gone awry...and I love MC, but there are strange affinities.
Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.
Weird, the entire time I watched this I was thinking the same thing...