MovieChat Forums > The Mosquito Coast (1986) Discussion > Allie Fox - the evil Clark Griswald

Allie Fox - the evil Clark Griswald

they are almost exactly the same characters, just Allie Fox is more evil


Haha, I like that. Both total optimists that eventually lose it when they take too many kicks to the nuts. I don't think either are evil though.

Our children are old enough to read icculous.



i tell you what, i was watching this and i was thinking 'Ford is so much like Chevy Chase in this movie', especially the opening hour. I didn't think anyone else would feel the same way, glad you did :)


Wow - I honestly had the exact same thought while watching this movie for the first time last night. The glasses, and the way he acts. Harrison is like a more realistic and nasty Clark Grizwold! The optimism and over the top enthusiasm which gradually disintegrates until he's angry and mean.

I was honestly coming here to post the same exact thought!

It's like "National Lampoon's Jungle Vacation"!



I love this and I have had much the same thought, that this is like a Vacation movie gone awry...and I love MC, but there are strange affinities.

Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.


Weird, the entire time I watched this I was thinking the same thing...
