Very Long Wait on Netflix?

I've seen the film years ago and I really enjoyed it. I added in to my Netflix queue several months ago and it's still listed as being on a "very long wait" which it has been since I've put it on my list. Has anyone else had a problem with this? It seems strange as this movie was never that well-known, has no special-edition of the DVD out, and is over 20 years old. I've got over 200 movies in my queue and even the more obscure older films never have this long of a wait on them.
Can anyone think of why this is such a long wait? The DVD isn't out of print is it?


Well, I might have your copy. I also got a 'Very Long Wait' due to the fact that it had to ship from St. Louis while I live on the West Coast. With this in mind, I would guess that it's a very long wait because Netflix doesn't have a copy in your local distribution center and has to ship it from across the country.


Had exact same issue, after four months, finally got it today. I'm afraid that all this waiting has built my expectations up only to be dashed, but we'll see.


Yeah, I wondered about that too. This was the only film out of 120 on my list with a status of a "very long wait". I also had The Omega Man on my list with a "very long wait" as well, but that's understandable since it was an earlier version of I Am Legend, which was out in the theater at the same time.

One way to circumvent this is just to go to Hollywood Video. :-)

My Reviews:


After waiting for over three months I finally received my copy this past weekend. What a relief, I've been wanting to see this movie for a long time.


For quite a while, on Netflix in my queue, Mosquito Coast had "very long wait" attached to it but as I also had several movies ahead of it and taking the two a month plan, I didn't attach too much significance. I thought maybe someone who was known for keeping movies for 1-2 months had the only copy of Mosquito Coast. Only copy? Then it changed to "no wait" and when it finally got to the top of my queue, it had "short wait." But I got it immediately. So. I don't know what is the reason

He lifts me clear to the sky, you know he taught me to fly.


sounds vaguely conspiratorial.

'I'm not making art, I'm making sushi.'-Masaharu Morimoto


Try Walmart bargain bin that's where I found it recently, 5 bucks.
