
An underrated gem of the 80's. Hoskins deserved nomination and Caine should have been up for supporting actor.


Not just the nomination Bob deserved the win.

Sadly the year he was nominated he was up against the legend Paul Newman who was getting his 7th nomination having never previously won.

I'm getting the word 'Nonce'


I totally agree with you,Michael Caine was terrific in this and he was as intense as Bob Hoskins.This is one of his best performances as I never expected him to portray this sort of a character.

Who on Earth could that be ?


~ This was an excellent movie, and it's a shame that it was underrated. I loved the performances.



"I can feel what you’re
feeling now,and you are worth it.

Jasper Hale from Twilight



if anything i was thinking the opposite. as it's current average rating of 7.3/10 is to high because the overall movie is not that entertaining if you ask me as i gave it a 5/10 (maybe a 5.5/10). so a low to mid 6's would have been plenty for the average rating in my eyes.

Caine and Hoskins where not bad (i seen better films from Caine for sure) but the movie as a whole lacks in entertainment value at the end of the day which is ultimately why i went with a 5/10. ending was decent but early on it's a little to slow.

My Vote History ... http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=11026826
