MovieChat Forums > Mona Lisa (1986) Discussion > Wow! Great Film and Amazing Performance...

Wow! Great Film and Amazing Performance by Hoskins

1986 was one of my favorite years for films. I am writing an article about this great year 25 years later, so I have been rewatching some films from 1986 that were acclaimed but I did not think that much of. I am so glad I am. I hated Platoon when I first saw it - boy, was I wrong on that one. A truly great film. I also remember thinking Blue Velvet was okay - also, now I think it is a great film.

I remember Mona Lisa being an okay movie and Hoskins being very good, but having just seen it again I now think it is a great movie - a classic even - and Hoskins, well, what can you say? I loved Paul Newman in The Color of Money and thought he deserved the Oscar that year, even though many considered it a career achievement award because he had never won. I still think it is one of Newman's best performances but now I am thinking maybe Hoskins should have gotten the prize.

Hoskins is like Bogart is many ways, a tough little guy who does not have typical movie star good looks. He is raw, real, and stunning, yet also sad, lonely, and vulnerable. The range of emotions he displays is just stunning. He is a thug but he is not an innately bad man. He wants to reconnect with his daughter. He has one good friend in Robbie Coltrane. And he actually grows to like and even love Cathy Tyson's character.

A truly magnificent piece of acting in a very engaging, moving film. 1986 was the last really great year for movies, although 1987 was pretty terrific as well.


There's definitely merit in your Hoskins/Bogart comparison. Never thought about it before but yes, they share similar qualities and generally speaking, never give poor performances no matter the material they're given to work with.


Yes. A true magnificent piece of artistic cinema here. More valuable as it is a realistic psychological drama, not a big budget fantasy.


I would agree that this is a solid, engaging, vivid little drama; Hoskins, Caine, and Tyson are all terrific.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


I think it's a good film, maybe a little more than that, but his performance really is what takes it to the next level.



The whole film smacked of Taxi Driver, in my opinion.

"My car is outside."



Not a great film, but a good performance by Bob Hoskins. The acting of Hoskins make this film better than it really it is.

I agree that the story itself isn't all that impressive (as you say, the attempts at suspense and "film noir" feel fall flat), but I'd much rather watch a film with a lackluster story but great acting than a great story carried by lackluster actors. There are a lot of great films out there where not much happens in terms of plot, but the lead characters are sufficiently vivid and well-acted that they really stick with you.
