Where is Maggie O'Neill in this ?
Is she the girl in the same club as the wig girl (the one who told George to 'p... off').
That girl looks more like a young Julie Graham.
"when in doubt - kill !"
Richard Crenna , First Blood
Is she the girl in the same club as the wig girl (the one who told George to 'p... off').
That girl looks more like a young Julie Graham.
"when in doubt - kill !"
Richard Crenna , First Blood
No,she's at the bar in the pub/club at the start of the film,when Bob Hoskins hands the rabbit to Joe Brown's character.
shareShe's sitting smoking at the bar in the 'knocking-shop' that George takes the white rabbit into at the beginning of the film. Her line is 'We're closed-tell him, Terry'
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