MovieChat Forums > The Manhattan Project (1986) Discussion > I couldn't watch more than half an hour ...

I couldn't watch more than half an hour of the drivel

The protagonist was an annoying punk, and the science was so laughable that a child could see what was wrong with it. I left it when he could walk right into a restricted area with all the alarms going off. In reality, the little punk wouldn't have gotten through the gate.

And, of course, he could be walking around with a whole pocket stuffed with vegetation that had mutated because of exposure to radiation, but he wasn't worried. Radiation, you see, is a very bad thing when it's important to the script for it to be bad, but can be taken casually when it's important to the script to be taken casually.

This mess is probably really entertaining when you're young, but I'm surprised any adults could make their way through it.

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.


I've watched this movie a few times but I think it's over all very stupid, grossly inaccurate, and sends a reckless message to our youth. Not that any kids today would watch a movie from the mid-eighties.

At the end of the movie the warhead almost detonates because of this stupid kid. Crisis is averted but the little bastard walks away scot-free.


I agree completely. I watched the whole thing hoping maybe it would get better, but alas, it never did. This is a silly movie
with more holes than a championship golf course. 5.6/10.



This movie was awesome...





Could John Carpenter have saved this?


I don't think so.

Needs a major script rewrite and a better lead actor with more range. John Lithgow was pretty good in it however.

