funniest line in movie

What's the problem? Was he sexually abusing the hamsters or something?

laughed out loud. I haven't seen this movie in a long time

but I think it holds up well...i remember always liking this as a young kid in the late 80s

not sure why it has so many haters. Sure, it has tons of flaws regarding science, but it's just a fun movie overall..if you let certain things slide


I like other lines, like:

Very 60s...were you born at a Stones concert???

If you try to tough it out with them, they'll lock you in a room somewhere and throw away the room!!

You guys....are beautiful guys...

Because life, my dear, is MORE than freezing toads!!

You mean...IS HE NORMAL?!?!?!??

And MY FAVORITE: You mean I'm gonna die b/c some A$$HOLE didn't bring a pair of pliers?!?!!?!???
