Great Film

"The Manhattan Project" is a real buried treasure. Released in 1986, during the height of the Reagan Era and the nuclear arms race, the film is an unusually intelligent and darkly satirical thriller that is most interesting because it features teenage characters who are actually intelligent. Intelligence is a theme throughout the film.

The film was a box office failure in 1986, perhaps because of the climate(the Challenger tragedy happened earlier that year, or maybe because the studio didn't market the film properly(I think audiences were confused by the title in terms of what the film was really about - I know I was).

I think it's a great film.


It is a great film with science and fun throughout. I've seen it at least 30 times. A lost gem from my youth, to say the least.

The Metal Man From Titan

"Till All Are One!"


The characters aren't fleshed out enough, with irritation, anger, and sarcasm all any of them have to offer til the very end.

Had they been more human, the film may have resonated more with people.

As it stands, it's a time capsule that has its moments, incl a great ending, but suffers from one dimensional characters and plot holes wrt to its science being wring at times.


No it is not. It's a silly film with more holes in it than a championship golf course. 5.8/10.



Fun times...
