Jane's Mother's Claim as Queen??
Hi -
At the beginning of the movie, when Duchess Frances Suffolk (Jane's Mom) and John Dudley (Guilford's dad) are just starting to hatch the scheme to tie their children into marriage and their own political machinations, they conceive their plot thus:
Frances: Princess Mary's mother (Katherine of Aragon, wife of Henry VIII) was divorced, and Mary was named a bastard. Next in line's Elizabeth...
John: Whose mother Anne Boleyn was beheaded for treasonable adultery - ruled out. Next in line becomes my lady - Duchess Frances Suffolk...
who would, of course, relinquish all rights and privileges in favor of her daughter, Jane.
It's a major pickle convinving Jane to agree to the marriage - in the film, she refuses, Frances whales the tar out of her and she only submits AFTER the dying King Edward comes and gently convinces her to obey her parents. It's too bad Frances couldn't have fought to be Queen herself! :)
Why is Frances giving up her chance to fight for rhe role of Queen if she's obviously so power-hungry? Is she too old, and/or would they need someone who could still bear children to secure their line?
Any thoughts/ideas are greatly appreciated?