The first King Kong movie I ever saw was the 1976 remake, which I absolutely loved (and still do love). I saw it on TV way back in mid to late 1978. For a long time I thought this was the only version of King Kong. About 2 years later I saw the Son Of Kong, and loved it, and it also made me realise that there had to have been a King Kong made before SOK. I finally saw the original in 1980. To me, the originals were good, but had nothing on the 1976 version...
So when I saw the advert forKing Kong Lives, I waited with excitment for it to arrive at the cinema. When I saw it (it was the first Kong movie Id seen on the big screen) I loved it. I especially enjoyed the first scenes featuring King Kong 1976. When I got it on video (I still have the original ex-rentals of King Kong 1933, King Kong 1976, and King Kong Lives) I watched it a number of times and then out it away. Id not seen it for a number of years until I got it on DVD with King Kong 1976. I watched the '76 version and then watched KK Lives. The '76 version hadnt lost its charm and its spark...Unfortunately, watching KK Lives as an adult, I found that its effect on me had waned. Compared to the 1976 version, it just didnt match. It isnt a great movie.
Now, while it isnt a great movie, it is still a good movie. Its entertaining, even if only for its 80's styles and silly moments. Compared to King Kong 1933, Son Of Kong and King Kong 1976, this movie is my least favorite. But compared to the Toho attempts at Kong, this movie is perfection.
Its a good movie for the kids, except the bit where Kong bites a redneck in two...Edit that bit out, and its a good Saturday afternoon kids movie.
"Can I be frank?" "Okay, but can I still be Garth?" - Waynes World 2