Things I learned watching King Kong Lives
If you know the board, play along!!!
1. Dead giant gorillas who were shot to death and fell a few hundred stories can be kept alive for a few years (I can't remember the number).
2. Gorilla hearts look like giant tomatoes.
3. Artifical hearts looks like space pods.
4. If you go camping with a woman, she will have sex with you.
5. If you're going to kill a giant gorilla, bring a bunch of army vehicles armed with machine guns instead of rockets and tanks to give him a fighting chance.
6. Giant gorillas can be very silent.
7. King kong doesn't like beer.
8. If you leave your laptop on the ground, chances are King Kong will accidentally step on it.
9. King Kong does not have scars when he heals up.
10. Sequels aren't always a good thing.
11. If King Kong steps on the Lamborghini, you dad is going to kill you.
12. King Kong likes watching people make out through windows.
13. King Kong doesn't like eating hats, but will eat the rest of a person including his clothes.
14. Baby Kongs have body proportions resembling that of a man.
15. Kongs seem to like human blondes.
16. When Kong eats alligators, he will spit out all the bones.
17. When King Kong comes into a building, people will start driving like idiots and cars will spontaneously combust.
18. King Kong always dies at the end of a movie.
19. Rednecks aren't very smart.
20. King Kong enjoys blindly stepping on expensive objects.
21. At a dance, you might run into a friend you have not seen in 80 years.