Read On for all the critics! *spoilers*
Lets not forget this film was made in 1985/1986. For all the critics that expect to see kong fighting rex and doing powerbombs on godzilla will be very dissapointed as this film is more...Lets say a love story. Scenes like Hamilton going out into the mountains and looking for kong could of surely had alot more suspense created, and also when the army confronted kong for the first time in the rain had alot of potential to become a great scene. One that tops the order is when kong confronts the hunters who had planted a trap for him. This movie would of been better off by turning kong into an insane beast on the loose as the meetings with lady kong softened not only the audience but the whole movie in general. The best highlights was when Kong got mad. Who is up for creating a KING KONG who is only out for trouble!! haha! Everything aside...jokes aside....This movie did have enjoyable scenes and if it was made today with modern cgi with abit of tweaking to the storyline it would do very well.