No Lang? No Bridges?

I wasn't around when the 70's Kong films came out, could someone tell me was there any time that Jessica Lang or Jeff Bridges were going to be in this?

It seems strange both these people tried to help Kong in the first one but afterwards just arn't around?

Welcome To Prime Time B***H! - Freddy Kruger


Before the 1976 Kong film came out, producer Dino De Laurentiis had already claimed that a sequel, King Kong in Africa, was going to be made in the near future. However, his version of Kong underperformed at the box office and so the sequel was never made. However, the Dino De Laurentiis company fell on hard times in the 80s and needed a film to try and earn back some money. That film would be King Kong Lives, a film made with seemingly a fraction of the budget of the original.

Dino De Laurentiis was no longer a major player in Hollywood and both Lange and Bridges had gone on to become bigger stars. There was no chance that they would have been convinced to appear in the sequel. Still, it may have been beneficial to have a cameo appearance by someone else adopting the roles. While I couldn't imagine Jessica Lange returning to her role of Dwan or Bridges to his role of Jack Prescott, I couldn't imagine the characters themselves having no interest in Kong after he's revived some ten years later.



The both of them died of a broken heart shortly after the events of the 1976 movie


Technically they did appear in the movie in the opening flashback to the end of Kong76 (presumably they'd be paid , but perhaps not?)


Unfortunately we got Linda Hamilton.

She was no Lang. 🤨


I liked Linda in her role. And I found this movie fun. It's not as good as the 76 film or the 33 film but it was entertaining.


Hamilton flashed a boob but she’s so flat chested.

Lang’s boobs were so much hotter.

Wish it had been her instead.
