MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part II (1986) Discussion > Who saw this in theaters back in Summer ...

Who saw this in theaters back in Summer 1986?

I didn't catch the film until it was on Cable in Summer 87' on HBO.
How was the theater experience? Was there alot of hype? Thank in Advance, everyone!

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I saw it opening day and there was a decent amount of hype surrounding it. Peter Cetera's "Glory of love" was ubiquitous on the radio that Summer, Remco released a Karate Kid toy line (featuring characters from both films and other toys like the Miyagi family drum, Daniel's headband etc., and HBO ran a short behind the scenes KKII featurette between movies that Summer (it's a bonus feature on the KII DVD from '04).

I remember the theater being pretty full that day, and people cheering when Daniel did the crane kick pose--and subsequently gasping when it failed. I remember people really liking it, and it was actually a bigger hit than the original.

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


This was huge back in 86, especially with teenage boys. I remember it being highly anticipated and doing well at the box office.

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I saw it at the drive -in a few times, not to mention that this movie was on at least 12-15 weeks, back in the day when few good movies were in theaters for months, back in the day when there were less movie theaters and more people crowding to see a movie. I thought the movie was mushy at the time, since I was 10 going on 11, but still pretty good.


Did the audience cheer at all when Kreese gets his comeuppance at the beginning of the film?


I remember seeing it while out of town, then getting back home and watching the music video for it on MTV, and my friend was like, "Hey let's go see it again", and so we did lol.


Not me. I was only 1 year old in 1986.


Did the audience cheer at all when Kreese gets his comeuppance at the beginning of the film?

I remember people laughing when Miyagi "honked" Kreese's nose.

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


I saw it. I was a Junior in High school. Was a big fan of the first one but was a little disappointed by the sequel. I went with my girlfriend at the time and I broke up with her about a week later because of this movie. Not the movie per se but her behavior. Let's just say she got a little geeked up at the end when Daniel did his drum technique to defeat Chozen. She was yelling screaming and clapping in the theater as if she was there at the fight........AND SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE DOING THAT. I was mortified and embarrassed because people started laughing at her.

Thats when I realized what a nerd she was. We only went out for a couple months but that ended it quick.

"When the *beep* did we get ice cream?!"


I didn't see it until 1988 when I saw it on a bootleg vhs copy.

I'm just expressing my opinion.

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I saw it in the theater in 1986. My brother, my friends, and I were all looking forward to it as we loved the first one.

People laughed when Myagi honk's Kreese's nose and people cheered when Daniel got ready to do the crane kick.

Overall I remember thinking it was ok but not as good as the original. I think we were all expecting it to have Daniel's mom, Ali, and maybe the Cobra Kai in it, and not for them to take off overseas.


I saw this at the theater when I was 6. It was so exciting. I remember everyone cheering over every fight scene. It was my introduction to the Karate Kid as I hadn't seen part one yet. It was at a duplex that also showed Big Trouble in Little China.
